Innovate Mississippi accelerates startups and drives entrepreneurship throughout the state.
If you’ve got a business idea, we’d like to hear about it.
What We Do
We strengthen and grow the culture of innovation in Mississippi.
Learn how we can help you.

We work directly with pre-revenue and post-revenue startups to develop your business strategies, find funding and grow your business.

We’ve organized all investor resources in Mississippi to help our clients secure early-stage funding.

Through colloaborations with partners around the state, we work to strengthen the innovation ecosystem through a Regional Accelerator Program, the Mississippi Coding Academies and programs to combat “brain drain” in the state.

We hold regular events including Startup Weekends, Discovery Luncheons, Mississippi New Venture Challenge, our annual Conference on Technology Innovation and others.

developing mississippi's entrepreneurs
how we help startups
You’ve got a business idea—but you’re not sure what its potential is or how to fund it. That’s where we come in.
Years of experience
building mississippi
Our economic impact
Innovate Mississippi has a significant economic impact on the state. For 20 years, we’ve helped develop over 1,500 new companies and connected them with over $181 million in seed and venture capital, resulting in new high-paying jobs being created within our state. We are able to continue providing coaching and connection to resources for entrepreneurs thanks to the generous support of our public and private sponsors.
From startup businesses to startup weekends, Innovate Mississippi has helped
launch, nurture and grow ventures and initiatives of all shapes and sizes.

Contact us
Tell us about your business idea, opportunity, or ambitions.
We’ll put you on the mailing list for upcoming events and information.
Our Annual Sponsors