Read more about the article 2020 Walmart Open Call Invites Mississippi Entrepreneurs
Photo by Marc F. Henning Walmart's Open Call event on June 19, 2019, at the MLK building in Bentonville, Ark.

2020 Walmart Open Call Invites Mississippi Entrepreneurs

Walmart is currently accepting applications for its 7th Annual Open Call, which seeks U.S.-manufactured products that they can sell on Walmart shelves. This year, pitch meetings will be held virtually on October 1st with Walmart buyers. The deadline to apply is August 10th, with additional information and the online application…

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SBA Supports Program to Assist Women and Minority Entrepreneurs with SBIR Grants

The U.S. Small Business Administration, or SBA, is supporting a new program to help women and minority entrepreneurs with SBIR grants. Federal SBIR grants are almost the only grants available for small businesses, and while Mississippi businesses are generally underserved in receiving these grants, women and minority-owned businesses are particularly…

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Innovate Mississippi introduces Women and Minority Entrepreneur Development Program and LaunchFund

Innovate Mississippi, with support from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, announces the Minority and Women Entrepreneur Development Program. Minority and women founders will be invited to join a network of peers to participate in programs that further entrepreneurial education, provide mentor connections, and offer general development assistance. Beginning on July 21st,…

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Glo Pals Drive Growth Despite COVID: ‘They Don’t Teach This in Macroeconomics’

Hagan Walker and Anna Barker of Glo say they've been fortunate during the COVID-19 pandemic and economic downturn. The Starkville, Mississippi company, and frequent participant at Innovate Mississippi's Accelerate conference, has two major product lines—Glo Cubes and Glo Pals. Both are products that glow when put in contact with liquid.…

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