Read more about the article Innovate Mississippi Presents the 2016 John I. Rucker Community Innovation  Leadership Award to Jon Maynard of the Oxford-Lafayette County Economic  Development Foundation
Jon Maynard of Oxford focused on encouraging local entrepreneurs in Mississippi's economic development plans.

Innovate Mississippi Presents the 2016 John I. Rucker Community Innovation Leadership Award to Jon Maynard of the Oxford-Lafayette County Economic Development Foundation

(Ridgeland, Miss.) – Innovate Mississippi announced that the 2016 John I. Rucker Community Innovation Leadership Award was presented to Jon Maynard, president and CEO of the Oxford-Lafayette County Economic Development Foundation. Innovate Mississippi presents this award annually, recognizing the outstanding efforts of an individual or organization in forming dynamic and…

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Improved STEM training goal of new federal funding for MSU

STARKVILLE, Miss.—Mississippi State is receiving a nearly $900,000 National Science Foundation grant to help public schools enhance critical middle-school teaching and learning skills. Awarded to associate professor Dana Franz in the College of Education’s Department of Curriculum, Instruction and Special Education, the funding supports a three-year interdisciplinary partnership with university…

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Governor Phil Bryant Declares November Innovation Month in Mississippi

STATE OF MISSISSIPPI Office of the Governor PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, the State of Mississippi recognizes innovation is a powerful engine for economic growth and is committed to promoting the successes and global competitiveness of Mississippi innovators; and WHEREAS, innovation has the power to transform lives and comes in all shapes, sizes…

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MBJ Business Showcase — Enviro-Linen: This business is cleaning up

Like many other successful Mississippi entrepreneurs I’ve known through the years, Bert Rubinski, CEO of Enviro-Linen, as built, sold, and started a number of successful businesses. This is one thing that seems to characterize the successful entrepreneur….namely, a fundamental enthusiasm for starting and building new enterprises. After growing up in…

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