MSU, MDE officials unveil major computer science program for K-12 schools

STARKVILLE, Miss.—Beginning this fall, 34 public school districts will be participating in a yearlong pilot program called Computer Science for Mississippi. Beyond introducing state students to the CS profession, the training initiative is designed to equip them to be technologically literate citizens who are prepared for CS-related careers. Announcement of…

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Register for the annual Nissan Innovation Conference, May 4-5, at the Nissan Plant in Canton and learn about the latest technologies for improving quality within the automotive industry

2016 Nissan Innovation Conference May 4 - 5, 2016 Nissan Plant - Canton, MS - Open to the public We would like to invite you to the 2016 Innovation Conference at the Nissan Plant in Canton, Mississippi. This annual event focuses on showcasing the latest technologies for improving quality within…

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Array of Hope: Entergy Mississippi Dedicates Brookhaven Solar Site

“Bright Future” pilot project includes three locations in Magnolia state BROOKHAVEN, Mississippi–City, county and state representatives, community and business leaders and Entergy Mississippi, Inc. gathered on Wednesday for the company’s dedication of its Brookhaven solar site—one of three in Mississippi that make up Entergy’s “Bright Future” pilot solar system. The…

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